When Hosting Can't Happen
Can’t you just come over?
I want to feed you, I want to chat with you. I want to bring you a warm cup of tea with just the right amount of honey to make it smooth and pleasant.
I am a caretaker, a host, at heart. It pangs me to be alone in this home with no one to entertain… okay, I do have Greg, but that’s different. Maybe it’s not so different after all. No, it is different because we provide meals, and tea, and a comfortable place to sit for each other every single day. And because I have been missing hosting other people, I have started to prepare tea parties for just the two of us. I can’t help myself!
And I believe I’d do this if it was just me, too. Well, yeah. I guess I do actually do this for myself…
But for real, doesn’t it hurt to not express your love as fully as you want? Isn’t it frustrating not being able to do the things we want with the people we love? There’s such an ache in my soul right now for connection, and I can’t let this ache go untended.
…which is why I started hosting events. Music & Selfcare, Crafts & Tea, and whatever else comes into my brain are my way of connecting with you. My heart longs for friendship and my soul, connection. Even though we cannot see each other in person, this thing we call technology, the amazing ability to see each other over a screen (of really any size) is unbelievable. I am so grateful.
What a special time we live in, friends.
I hope we continue connecting when we get back outside freely too.