How To Break Up With Your Phone Letter
I just started this phone-breakup plan with about 20 other like-minded friends. We’re on a mission to change the way we use our phones and how our phone use affects our mental health. It’s eye opening hearing about all the statistics behind social media and mental health. These phone are really good at making us spend a lot of time on a whole lot of nothing!
On the second day of the plan we were asked to write a letter to our future selves. What do we hope to feel and experience after we’ve gone through the process of breaking up with our phones? Here’s my letter.
Dear future self,
Without your phone glued to your hand, I hope you have more… no, spend more time reading and writing. You have books and poems and inspiring stories within you that the world wants to see. I hope your priorities will be stronger and clearer when your little devise holding everything is out of the way.
I want you to feel more invested in friendships off of Instagram instead of having many weakly-bound, content dependent connections. You deserve committed friends.
I hope you feel more alive and energized, ready to take each day by the hand and walk through challenges, joy, grief, and fun together. This will be a drastic change from the current state of rolling over, tuning into your phone, and having it tell you what to focus on in a given day, leaving you confused, lost, uncentered, and scrolling to consume.
You deserve better. Your life will be richer, more full of life and love and beauty at every turn. Your phone is giving you fragments of relationship, bits of love, and a facade of beauty.
You need the tactile. You need the real. You need life unfiltered. And by the time you look back on this letter, I hope you feel your life filling up on sweetness like raw sugar.
I hope you feel more grounded, steady, and focused. I hope you feel more capable of prioritizing, planning, setting goals (even in a nontraditional goal-setting way), and following through on projects.
You won’t have your phone to pull you away in a million little different directions. Your heart will be leading as it’s always wanted to.
I hope you find yourself more connected to you than ever. I’ll see you on the other side!
Much love,
your self on 11/3/2020